Monday, December 29, 2008


Ticker says 12 days!

It is almost time for our little guy to be born. J had some contractions last night that kept her up but nothing going on this morning. I know that she is physically ready to be done. Tomorrow she has an OB appointment. KiKi, LuLu and I will go down for it. I can't believe how fast the time has went.
Joe and I are at the nervous/excited stage. Sometimes we just look at each other and say something dumb like "we are going to have a baby any day". We have been practicing how to make a 'bottle' using the Lact-Aid nursing trainer. Joe is better at it than I am. I have leakage issues. We also practiced diapering (on a scary looking cabbage patch doll) and using our baby wearing gear. I have a sling and a Moby wrap and Joe has a front pack. We put our little dogs in them and they work great for carrying them around.

So it could be any day now. Or it could be a few weeks still. I know that J is hoping for any day!

Friday, December 26, 2008

White Wedding

Angel is a married woman! The wedding went well. The weather was challenging and added an element of stress but for the most part everything was good. Angel was beautiful. The turn out was about half what we had planned for but actually more than we expected considering the weather. The DJ was a no-show which caused some tears early in the day. In the end all was well and my little girl is now a married woman. Not sure how I feel about that yet.

J and Baby are doing well. I know J wishes that he would pop on out but the doc says it will be a while still. Doc goes on vacation early January. We were hoping that Baby would be born prior to Doc leaving. Now we are not sure. I know babies come when they are ready but we are all ready. Shouldn't that count for something?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Still Concerned

The weather is still causing me issues for my wonderfully detailed plans. I think we have a new plan but won't really know for sure until tonight. One thing I know is that one way or another I'll make it up for the wedding.

The good news is that other than the few things that have to be purchase last minute (like food and flowers) we are ready. I also have a back up plan in case due to the weather my sister (who is a professional caterer) can't make it I can handle the food and decor on my own. It won't be nearly as nice but it will do. My biggest issue will the amount of room that I have for hauling all of my treasures up. Right now we plan to take my sisters truck which has a camper for protecting the decor items and my truck. However, if the weather/roads are too bad then my sister won't be able to go. We have a 4 wheel drive pickup so the roads will be okay but no camper shell. This means that alot of the nice decor stuff that we have won't be going with me. It will still be okay just not as 'fancy'. I'm still trying to remember my mantra. "I will not freak out"

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Wedding Woes

Saturday the 20th is Wedding Day. I was feeling pretty prepared for my part of it. Small problem has now come up. The weather. It is currently snowing in Oregon. Where Angel lives the city has issued chains required. Where the wedding is it is currently snowing. It is still 6 days until the wedding but the weather report is not very promising. The temperatures are supposed to stay at or below freezing for the week. I am worrying about traveling up to the wedding. Angel and Ogre do not want to postpone the wedding (I don't blame them) but they know that many of the people they thought would be coming won't because of the weather. My sister may not be going due to the weather which means that I need to replan the trip. It will work out somehow. But today I'm feeling overwhelmed.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

LuLu's Birthday!!

LuLu turns 12 today! Hard to believe that she could be that old. We will go out for dinner tonight and then back here for cake and ice cream. My sister, brother in law, niece, Joe's grandma and Joe's step grandpa will join us for cake and ice cream. We planned on having the 'party' in our house (travel trailer) but Joe's grandma suggested we just come into her house. Probably a good idea since 9 people in our little trailer would be rather tight.

Things are going well. I've been busy with wedding stuff, Christmas and settling in. J went to the doctor on Monday and she is doing good. The ultrasound estimated the baby's weight at 6 pounds 7 ounces. Wowzers. Hopefully he won't be a 10 pounder like Joe was.

Next Thursday KiKi, LuLu, my sister, niece and myself will drive back up to Oregon. Joe and my brother in law will come up after work on Friday. We do have alot to do to get ready for the wedding. This is a Do It Yourself wedding so I anticipate a busy couple of days. I started feeling myself stressing out over it yesterday but last night I found some peace in realizing that everything will work out just fine. Angel's wedding will be nice. There may be a few little hiccups but I am determined not to let it cause me a 'breakdown'. I am putting this here so I have it in writing that I will not freak out. I figure I need all the help I can get with keeping myself together. lol. My mantra "I will not freak out" is going through my head over and over.

I still need to pick up a couple of Christmas gifts but for the most part am ready. We won't put up a tree this year until a couple of days prior to Christmas because of our space issues. And for the first time it will be a fake tree. I'm glad that I have one given to me by my former mother in law. It will be perfect.

We have just about all of our baby stuff ready. I need to pick up just a few things that are not essentials. We might even have a name chosen. I'm not sure yet though since we can't seem to stick with any of our choices more than a few days. We should have one picked out at least by the time he leaves the hospital.

Travel trailer living has been good. We are very comfortable most of the time. It is good that KiKi and LuLu have a separate trailer. Most of the time we are all in our trailer but they do sleep in theirs and sometimes read or play their video games. Most homework is done in ours, all cooking and meals in ours, TV watching is in ours and the bathroom is in ours. So we all spend lots of time together. I love it. I take the girls to and from school too and I really love that. I feel very connected to them. It is so different than our life was in Oregon. I no longer go to work each day (which is very weird but I'm adapting to it). I do have a couple of minor complaints. The biggest is my lack of internet. I either have to sit outside in the yard to get internet or go into Joe's grandparents house (that is where I am right now). I have a router set up that I hoped would give me internet in the trailer but there is too much interference. I'm thinking of looking into getting a repeater but that will have to wait until after the wedding. My brain can't handle anything else right now. In the mean time I'll make do. Today I'm in the house baking LuLu's birthday cake. I'm also doing a load of laundry. Usually I go to the laundromat but Joe's Grandma asked me to do my laundry here instead of going to the laundromat. She says it is silly for me to go there when she has a perfectly fine washer and dryer. I love that woman!!