Saturday, September 13, 2008

I get the night off!

No cooking for me tonight. Joe is making burgers. I have to admit that I am almost giddy about the idea of him doing dinner.

Bear and I had a great time in town yesterday. I didn't end up buying anything for the house but I did get some great cloth diapers for the baby and a cow print diaper cover. I also found some scrap booking stuff on Clearance. I haven't made much progress on my scrap books but I have the backgrounds started. I just recently got a digital camera. Up to now I have been using either a cell phone camera or a film camera. The film camera makes things a little more challenging in the computer world but is good for the scrap book stuff- if I remember to get the film developed. I am not sure just how many rolls of film that I need to get developed but I know there are a few. I have a slight procrastination problem. Oops.

Burgers are ready! I'm off.

Update: How do you like my new background? It was absolutely free and simple enough to load that even I could do it.

1 comment:

Cyn said...

Very nice, it's odd I can't even remember what the other one looked like now.

Burgers, yum!