Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What Is That Sound?

That is the sound of my plans flying out the window. I know there are some great sayings about 'the best laid plans' and such. It has been nothing short of interesting here this past week. I'll give you all a quick update.

Bear- is back in school. Sophomore year at college. Things are going well except for she missed the deadline for her financial aid. She will still get it but not for six weeks.

LuLu- is tired of the 6th grade but has discovered that boys (one in particular) are less icky than they were in 5th grade. We are also discovering that she is taking about twice as long to get ready to go to school in the mornings.

KiKi- Ah, KiKi. Where do I start. She has a new obsession. The telephone. Earlier I looked over and she had a cell phone on one ear and a land line on the other ear. It is mildly amusing.

Our House- The realtor told me today that an offer is being written tonight for it. We are very hopeful that it will be an offer that we can't refuse.

Angel- This is the big news. Angel showed me her newest possession on Sunday. It is an engagement ring. I about fell over dead. I came back to my senses and then almost fell over once again when she told me that they are planning the wedding for December of this year. Gasp.

I'm thinking my new plan will be not to make any more plans for a while.


Unknown said...

Married?! Wow!! That is some huge news

Hoping that the offer is good!
-Cyn (my dd signs me out and I never notice until I try to comment)

Melissa said...

Congratulations, a wedding will be so exciting and fun! I can't even imagine the day one of my DD's tells me she's getting married...very scary and exciting at the same time!