Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I have mentioned once or twice (probably more) that I am a planner. I like to know what is going to happen and when it is going to happen. Surrogacy has shown me that I can't plan for everything. It has been a hard lesson to learn. I have discovered recently that I passed my planning traits on to my two oldest girls.
While Bear was visiting here a few weeks ago she shared with me her lists and planning journal. She says that the planning helps her with her full schedule (full time college student, part time employee at two different jobs). Growing up she says all of my lists and plans used to drive her crazy but now she understands them more. I showed her my newest obsession My Home Management Binder (it looks something like this but not nearly as nice). Bear liked it so much she made herself one! She rents a room from my parents and they include her food in that so she really doesn't have a home to manage at the moment but I love that she is thinking ahead for when she does. I do worry a little that my small case of OCD has affected her too.
Angel is also doing some planning. She is getting ready to move to an apartment in the city (just under two hours away) with two room mates. Yesterday we talked lots about her plans. She has made her budget plan and a general plan for things they need. Of course, planning a budget is a challenge when you do not yet have a job. (She has an interview today, so hoping that goes well). She is also working on a menu plan. She is a vegetarian and she tends to eat the same things over and over. She knows how to cook a few meals but doesn't expand much beyond that. I have started her a little cookbook so I'm hoping that helps her. And she made my day when she asked me if I could take her grocery shopping. I think though that her first shopping trip will be my cupboards since she hinted that they are very full and I really don't need all that food anyway. uh huh.
Joe and I are working on some plans too. Our house has been on the market for two weeks, we have closed on our Wyoming property, and we are planning for the birth of Baby. We are very much focusing on the Baby. Next month we are going down for the regular OB appointment and then we are going to have a 3D ultrasound done. We are also hoping sometime (maybe November) to be able to get some professional photos done with J. So much going on. It is very exciting!


Erin said...

Here from ICLW. It sounds like you have a very busy family and life. I am going to check that binder out, I think I might need one.

Kristin said...

How exciting that you are adding another baby to your family. It must be an interesting dichotomy to have some leaving home and one getting ready to be born.


Cara said...

Wow! You sure have a lot of plans!!! Good for you, it feels good to be organized, like youve got your feet grounded so the rest of you can handle a little change.

Congrats on the baby!


Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

I'm a planner too, I'm impressed with the Home Management Journal and Thank you for the resources. Best to you and your family, visiting from ILCW.

Michelle said...

Im a huge planner as well. I like the Home management binder. I wish you the best!

Anonymous said...

Here from ICLW.

I am a planner as well. I think getting that trait from my mum was one of the best things.