Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Inducing lactation and BeeBeeGa update

BeeBeeGa is doing pretty good today. They are still doing tests on her. We should have some better answers in the next few days.

I am inducing lactation. For those unfamiliar with this term it means that I intend to breast feed our baby. In order to do this it will take some prep. I am currently on a medication that builds breast tissue and actually has a side effect of lactation. I'll continue on this probably for the entire time that I breast feed. In October I will add an herb or two and start pumping. I think that I will rent a hospital grade pump until the baby comes. The plan is for me to pump every 3 hours and once during the night. Then when the baby arrives hopefully I will have enough milk that I can breastfeed exclusively. But just in case I plan on having a supplemental nursing system on hand. Something like this.

So far I have been on the lactation producing med for about 5 weeks. My breasts have went from a B cup to a D cup and I have started having some leakage (drops) and they hurt something awful. Ideally, I should be taking birth control pills too as part of this prep time but I have a difficult time with those so I am doing it without and hoping that I get good results. My husband is pretty excited about my results so far from his manly point of view. Men.

1 comment:

Cyn said...

I tried to reply to this last week, but was signed in as my dd. When I went to change users my comment was gone and I didn't have the energy to try again.

It sounds like you are doing great with the lactation. If you are already getting drops I feel confident you will do awesome. My IM induced lactation for the twins and says it was the best thing she could've done and was so grateful that she stuck with it.